How to Increase Your Business Conversions

How to Increase Your Business Conversions

The New Year is right around the corner, which means it’s that time of year when we’re all starting to think about how we can improve in a variety of ways. As a business owner, it’s always been a goal of mine to be improving my conversions. So as I refocus this holiday season, I’ve decided to focus on building stronger relationships to increase conversions and ROI.


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I remember when I was still a classroom teacher, and I had all of these crazy and pretty random goals. It’s amazing how much my life, and goals, have changed over the past 5 years. 


This coming summer will mark 5 years since I started my business. In some ways, I wish I was further than where I am in my entrepreneurial journey… if I’m being totally honest. But on the other hand, I’m also pretty dang proud of where I am. 


But I digress. Here I am thinking about 2023, and I’ve got a laundry list of goals all based on moving the needle in my business. 


My First Goal for 2023


I recently was listening to an amazing audible book called the 10X Rule by Grant Cardone. As I was listening, something really stuck out to me that he said about converting your audience. He pointed out that the true key to conversions, and an area that some business owners really miss the mark on, is building relationships.


Then and there, while I was dragging along during a frigid winter run, I decided that it was no longer optional for me to work on building better relationships with my audience.


Before I could get to the “how” though, I needed to identify which relationships needed my focus the most. Just via brainstorming these two jumped out at me:


  1. I need a better system for following up with potential customers that don’t convert
  2. I need to be better about nurturing those that DO convert. These are the people that will be the most likely to buy from me in the future and also spread the good word about my business. So I had BETTER take care of them. 


Now that I have the “what” pinpointed, I need to solve the solution of the “how”. How am I going to both follow-up with my audience more intentionally, and nurture those that have already said, “hey Emilee, I believe in you and what you’re offering”. 


The Perfect Business Tool for Building Relationships


For me, I have a much greater chance of following through with goals and tasks when I have tools and resources that will make my life easier. 


I mean who doesn’t, right?


I’m a little embarrassed to say that I actually wrote down an email marketing idea from some “business guru” a LONG time ago that was actually a fabulous idea. This idea goes hand-in-hand with this important business goal of mine that is centered on building stronger relationships…


Are you ready for the brilliant idea? 


Here it is: send new customers, clients, etc a personalized email sequence that utilizes VIDEOS!


I can honestly say this was put on my “marketing ideas” list a long time ago, and I thought it was so good. 


Why didn’t I take action? It’s a lame excuse, but time! It’s hard to find the time to personalize anything, let alone videos for each person that opts-in, which I hate to say.


I’m a strong believer in everything working out just the way it’s meant to. So here I am now, and just in the past few weeks, I stumbled upon a tool that could be a GAME-CHANGER for those looking to work efficiently, but also build better relationships. 


This tool is called Maverick.


How to Increase Your Business Conversions


How Maverick Builds Relationships and Increases Business Conversions


What Maverick does is enables e-commerce brands to send their customers personalized videos at scale. So it takes the grunt work out of creating personalized videos for every single person.


Since you won’t have to focus on sending a unique video, and you can pass that work off to the Maverick AI, then you truly can focus on taking care of your customer in other ways in your business.


Maverick’s AI-generated personalized videos are currently being used by successful e-commerce brands across the user journey for use cases like recovering abandoned carts, thanking customers after a purchase, re-engaging lapsed clients, and sending out offers. 


And one of the best parts about it? Building better relationships and a better user experience naturally increases conversions. 


Businesses using Maverick’s personalized videos are seeing 10X – 40X ROI and getting tons of positive feedback from delighted customers. And, businesses are able to get up and running very quickly with zero engineering work needed. 


I don’t know about you, but that’s definitely a relief to me, I’m not looking for more technical jobs in my business.


Let’s Wrap It Up


2023 is right around the corner, and it’s honestly the perfect time to reassess what you’re doing in your business. 


For me, I know my follow-up and nurturing of customers is an area that’s lacking. 


If you can say the same, let’s work smarter, not harder, and utilize Maverick. Maverick will seamlessly help us build stronger relationships, follow up with our audience, which naturally leads to a higher ROI.


I don’t think any business owner can say, “nahhh, I don’t want to improve my ROI”. Ha! 


If you’re ready to get started, try a FREE Maverick trial here today!

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