Pinterest Manager Success Tips

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Being a Pinterest manager can bring freedom, flexibility, and more income to your life, but before you get started on this journey there are two things that are crucial for your success. Read on to learn more about my Pinterest manager success tips! 


Have you thought about becoming a Pinterest manager and making anywhere from $2,000 – $5,000 a month and maybe even beyond that? And, have you considered that you can do any of your work anywhere on part-time hours?! 


That’s what my amazing students are discovering through my newly launched program called The Pinterest Manager Academy. But in order to get to these fantastic places in your business, there are two points that keep coming up within our coaching calls. I think these are so important when you are on that path to success and becoming a Pinterest manager so I decided to share them with you today. 


(Watch the video version of this post here!) 


Let’s dive in! 


Success Tip #1 


So the first thing is – TAKE ACTION. I have noticed this in my students and it’s so important to anybody’s success, whether you are becoming a Pinterest manager or just starting your freelancing business. I can’t stress this enough!


Back in 2018, when I first started my freelance business, I invested $597 in a course.  And, if I’m being honest, as a former teacher, that felt like a lot of money. I put a lot of pressure on myself with this investment. But, if I wanted this lifestyle/business to work I knew I had to have skin in the game. I decided that I was going to hit the ground running.


The only problem? I had no business background or marketing background. Everything I was doing was uncomfortable to me. My degree was in education – who was I to start this business? I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. My hope was that no one was going to ask me tons of questions or anything! (Imposter syndrome anyone?)


I just wanted to fly under the radar, find a couple of clients and at a minimum, make my money back from the course investment. But, having that skin in the game was what forced me to put myself out there and take action. 


Those small actions I took such as putting together my portfolio, getting those testimonials, and applying for jobs within Facebook groups started to snowball into what really became a great business for me. And if I hadn’t taken action right away, I would NOT be where I am today. 


The thing is, I think it’s really easy for us to buy courses or trainings and put them on the shelf. We all love shiny new things, but eventually, they get dusty and we move on with our lives. 


BUT, let me encourage you with this…

If you’re feeling any pain points similar to what my students felt at the beginning of their journey:   

  • Dreading the daycare drop-off each morning 
  • Not wanting to be chained to a desk
  • Being frustrated when you have to take another PTO day for a sick kiddo


Then you’re going to have to take action to get more freedom and flexibility and be your own boss. You have to be okay with putting yourself out there and knowing that those actions are going to start to snowball and they can lead to something really beautiful. 


So, the first thing if you want to be a successful Pinterest manager – you HAVE to take action. 


Sometimes that action is a baby step in the right direction! Maybe you start reading my blog posts, following me on social media, asking any questions you might have, or even signing up for my FREE training to learn more about becoming a Pinterest manager.  


Free training, how to make 5k monthly as a Pinterest manager save your seat today Emilee holding a laptop


It doesn’t matter how small your steps are, as long as you’re moving in the right direction. 


Success Tip #2 


Now, the second thing that you need to do is be willing to INVEST IN YOURSELF and your skills. So when you think about investing, I know that it can be scary to take a lump of money and put that into a course or a membership or whatever that “thing” may be. But let me encourage you to look at that investment differently than other purchases you might be making in your life. 


I know some people really like luxury items such as a handbag or a pair of shoes. For other people, the important thing is taking lavish vacations. All of those things are great but it’s really different than taking that money and investing your skills that can lead to a new lifestyle. 


Think about your job and how much money affects your life and your overall quality of life. That’s what you’re doing every day. It can be scary to take that money and put it towards an unknown future. But, when you make that investment, you’re making a promise to yourself to take action (that first step) and pursue a better lifestyle for yourself and your family. It’s a long-term perspective shift! 


I often see people push back about investing in my new program, The Pinterest Manager Academy. But I want people to think about the investment in a different way. 


  • How much do you want to change your career? 
  • How much do you want to have freedom and flexibility within your schedule? 
  • Are you willing to take action?
  • Are you willing to invest in yourself so that you can actually make your dreams come true?

Those answers are up to you! 


$30-$80/Hour Working from Home Pinterest manager success tips read more with computer stock photo


Moving Forward


So those are two big takeaways that I’m seeing from my program or from people who are interested in The Pinterest Manager Academy


If you’re thinking, “Emilee, I’m ready to take action but I just don’t have the money for this type of investment”, let me help with some ideas. There are lots of ways to make the investment happen such as taking out a loan, not eating out as much, or cutting costs in other ways such as subscriptions or vacations. 


I’m not here to give financial advice but think about what’s the most important thing for you in your life right now and where you want to be 5 years from now. Giving up that one vacation could lead to a lifestyle where you work anywhere and travel monthly. Or perhaps giving up eating out for a month could lead to having a lunch picnic with your kiddos every day of the week, guilt-free! 


So, if you’re ready to take action and start investing in yourself and your future, here are some resources to get started.


Save your seat for my FREE training on How to Become a Pinterest Manager. Also, be sure to check out this post for more information on what a Pinterest manager actually does, and doesn’t. 😉

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