Everything You Need to Be Successful on Pinterest

Everything You Need to Be Successful On Pinterest

This is the ultimate resource for your most pressing questions about Pinterest and how to be successful on the platform. If there’s a question you have that I didn’t address, be sure to comment at the end of this post and let me know! 


There are a few common questions I get asked over and over again when it comes to Pinterest. So today, I wanted to share some of my most frequently asked questions and include a roundup of my blog posts that give an in-depth explanation of that specific question!


Before I dive into these questions, I wanted to quickly share two other resources that are perfect for you, if you’re looking to learn more about Pinterest for your business. 


I have my FREE Pinterest strategy guide, which is the ultimate kickstart for your Pinterest marketing and my signature Pinterest course, Pinterest Marketing Magic. The doors are currently closed right now for this amazing resource, but be sure to get on the waitlist and be the first to hear about the latest details (and discounts)!   


Questions and Answers


1. What is an “Organic Pinterest Strategy”?

If you know your audience is on Pinterest and you’re ready to get started with an organic Pinterest strategy, well, this blog post is for you! 


I’m sharing what an organic Pinterest strategy is and the exact steps you need to take in order to implement it!


2. How Do I Do Keyword Research on Pinterest?

I sort of nerd out over keyword research. If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know that having a strong keyword strategy is vital to your success on the platform. Pinterest is a search engine, so keywords drive the platform!


This blog post is one of my favorites because I share 5 different methods you can use for conducting keyword research for your niche on Pinterest. I also think it’s a great strategy to try all of the different methods because each one can uncover new or different keywords that you might have missed otherwise!


3. How Do I Get Started on Pinterest?

There are 4 Pillars that are really important when getting started on Pinterest. These pillars are so important that I actually created a 4-part series over each of the pillars, which are the foundation for your Pinterest strategy. 


Here’s a breakdown of the 4-pillars and the blog post for each pillar:



4. How Do I Repurpose Content for Pinterest?

I’ve made some videos on TikTok about why you shouldn’t directly publish your social media content on Pinterest. 


The biggest reasons for this are:

  • The content isn’t formatted correctly
  • The content isn’t keyword-optimized for the search engine
  • Linking your content to social media platforms isn’t effective 


This doesn’t mean you have to create brand-new content only for Pinterest. You just have to repurpose your content the RIGHT way when transferring from social media to Pinterest. 


In this blog post, I’ll share how you can strategically repurpose your Instagram and TikTok content


5. How Do I Get Followers on Pinterest?

First things first, followers DO matter on Pinterest! In this post, I’m sharing why followers matter on Pinterest, and also how you can organically build that following as well!


Pro tip: if you want to capitalize on Creator Rewards, you have to have at least 250 followers on Pinterest! 


Questions and Answers Continued


6. How Do I Make Money on Pinterest?

Does it seem like a bit of a mystery to you how you can actually go about making money on Pinterest? In this blog post, I’m sharing 8 different ways that you can monetize your Pinterest efforts!


These different ways include everything from affiliate marketing to the Creator Rewards Program. 


7. How Do I Become a Pinterest Manager?

On TikTok, I’ve been more open about my transition from teaching to becoming a Pinterest Manager and what the difference was monetarily. 


This has led other teachers, or people just looking for legit ways to make money from home to say, “teach me”. In this blog post, I’m sharing my journey to becoming a Pinterest Manager, and also the course I took that taught me everything I needed to know about starting a profitable freelance business. 


8. How Do I Clean Up My Pinterest Account?

You’ve had your Pinterest account for years, or maybe you’re just ready to level up your strategy and you want to “clean up” your account. In this blog post, I cover cleaning up your entire Pinterest account.


Here are two more blog posts that will be helpful when cleaning up your account. In this post, I go over specifically how to clean up your Pinterest boards. And in this blog post, you can learn more about how to write optimized Pinterest descriptions


After you’ve cleaned up your account, and boards, and know how to write amazing descriptions, you should be golden!


Everything you need to be successful on Pinterest


9. What are Idea Pins and How Do I Use Them?

Idea Pins are definitely not optional when implementing an effective Pinterest strategy and I have LOTS of resources for Idea Pins. 


So here I’ll give a list of my different posts that cover Idea Pins and what you can take away from each one:



10. How Do I Run Pinterest Ads?

Ahhh Pinterest ads, if only there was a simple answer. Paid advertising can be complicated and it’s very different from marketing organically on Pinterest. 


In this blog post, I’ll help you decide if Pinterest ads are the right investment for you, because spoiler alert, they might not be the best move for you!


I also have a blog post that goes over my top Q&A for Pinterest ads.


Let’s Wrap It Up


I get A LOT of questions surrounding Pinterest and it makes my heart happy. I love helping business owners learn more about how they can help their businesses through the power of the visual search engine. 


If there’s still a topic you’d like to learn more about and would appreciate a blog post over, let me know in the comments!


As a final reminder, if you’re looking for other routes that will direct you toward Pinterest success, I have my FREE Pinterest strategy guide, or you can take the plunge and get on the waitlist for my signature Pinterest course, Pinterest Marketing Magic.  

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