3 Reasons Why You Need to be Marketing Your Business on Pinterest This Year

Three Reasons Why You Should Be Marketing Your Business on Pinterest

New Year = New You! If you’ve been curious about marketing your business on Pinterest, this is the post for you! Check out my three considerations and start planning for a fantastic year with your business + Pinterest. 


As the New Year starts it’s a great time to be thinking about what we want to accomplish over the next 12 months. These could be life goals, business goals… basically all of the goals. 


One of my favorite exercises as a business owner is to not only set different types of goals for the next year but to look back over the past year and think about everything I’ve accomplished. 


It’s important to not just look ahead but look back because it truly puts things into perspective. 


At times during the year, things can feel like they are going at a snail’s pace. When we think about daily, weekly, or even monthly changes… sometimes our evolution and growth are so minute, you might just miss it if you don’t look closely enough.


When I step back though and I think about where I was in January of last year, I can honestly hardly believe all of the changes I’ve made and how much I’ve truly grown in my business.


So as you set your own goals and look back at past goals that you either accomplished or maybe missed the mark with, I want to challenge you.


My challenge for you is to get started, or get intentional, about your Pinterest marketing.


Your Pinterest Marketing Expectations


Before you get intentional about Pinterest, it’s important to approach the platform with the right mindset and with a solid understanding of how the platform works. 


In case you’re new around here, Pinterest is a slow grower. What I mean by that is when you get started on the platform, you can expect it to take about 6-12 months to see real growth. 


I know, I know… that sounds like a long time, but let me explain why. Pinterest is a visual search engine and search engines take time to index and categorize your content. 


Is it impossible to see growth faster than 6-12 months? Absolutely not! There’s a whole slew of factors that can play into how long it takes to see growth. 


Here’s what can impact ultimately how fast you see growth on the platform:


  1. The amount of content you share daily
  2. If you are sharing a lot of your own content, or if you’re sharing a lot of other people’s content
  3. Your business and niche
  4. How well you have optimized your content for SEO (search engine optimization)
  5. Your consistency 
  6. If you’re sharing Idea Pins regularly (these help boost views quickly, but they aren’t linkable, so you’ll still need to keep an eye on how your outbound traffic is growing)


There are definitely other factors that could impact your growth, but these are some of the ones that come to mind quickly. 


Why You Need to be Marketing Your Business on Pinterest


So now that you have proper expectations for the platform, I want to look at why you should keep moving forward with your strategy, especially when it can feel taxing. 


Believe me, all platforms ebb and flow, and so does our growth on them, which is why we absolutely have to be able to keep our eye on the bigger picture.


Let’s look at 3 reasons why you should be marketing your business on Pinterest this year, and what will keep you going when it feels challenging. 


If you already KNOW you’re ready to take the next step with Pinterest marketing, be sure to grab my FREE Pinterest strategy guide – 7 easy-to-follow steps to kickstart your Pinterest strategy. 


Reason #1: Your Content Lasts SO Much Longer on Pinterest


Since Pinterest is a search engine, it functions very differently than the other platforms it typically gets lumped with. I find that people often like to categorize Pinterest within “social media marketing”. 


There are definitely aspects of Pinterest that make it feel social, especially now with Idea Pins on the platform, but when you get right down to it, it’s still a search engine.


This of course makes Pinterest very different from Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. The platforms I just mentioned are truly social media platforms and the life of your content on those platforms is significantly shorter. 


Here’s a quick breakdown of how long you can expect your content to last on each of the social media platforms, and these stats were pulled from The Refinery (you can read their full post about the life of content here):


Twitter: 15 minutes

TikTok and Snapchat: Instantly lose momentum, unless viral

Facebook: 6 hours

Instagram: 48 hours (I actually feel like this is a generous amount of time, I feel like my content lasts 21-24 hours)

YouTube: 20 days of more

Pinterest: 4 months

Blog: over a year


content length on platforms


Wow. Those stats are wild. You work really freakin’ hard on your content. I know you do and I do too!


You need a platform that works for you and DO NOT get me wrong, I do think social media serves a purpose. I also have fun marketing my business on social media, but I really think that Pinterest will fill a gap in your marketing strategy. 


Not only do I educate my students and clients on why they need to use Pinterest, but I also preach the power of why you need a blog or some form of long-form content. And guess what lasts the longest as far as content, yup your blog content. 


Reason #2: The User Intent is Different on Pinterest


Pinners are planners! Why do you think people LOVE to use Pinterest for their weddings, DIY projects, birthday parties, holiday parties, baby nurseries, etc?


The intent of the Pinterest user is definitely different from social media. I know I go to social media to catch up with people, see what’s going on, what people did for their holidays, network even, and more! So yes, it serves a lot of different purposes. 


But I don’t go to social media when I have a problem, or I’m trying to search for an answer. Search engines are SO unique in that way. We go to Pinterest and start typing in that search bar when we have a problem, a question, or need inspiration. 


When you can provide your audience with the perfect solution to their problem, that’s when the magic happens, baby!


Reason #3: You Can Reach a New and Different Audience


Did you know that 97% of searches on Pinterest are unbranded? Pinners go to Pinterest with a problem or look for inspiration, we’ve established that. But what we didn’t talk about (and I hate to break it to you) is that they don’t care who you are.


This is a GOOD thing though! This means you can reach new people and audiences on Pinterest, because if you’ve done your keyword research, and you’re following best practices… there’s no reason you can’t find success on the platform!


As long as you can inspire people with your Pins, they will absolutely be willing to click on your content, follow you, learn more from you, and the ultimate goal… buy from you! 


I’m just going to leave these stats here to blow your mind about Pinterest users’ behavior. These were pulled from Sprout Social.


quote from Sprout Social


Come Learn with Me


Well, my friend, that’s all I have for you this week. No matter when you’re reading this, it’s never too late to set a new goal or start a new platform. And do you want to know when the best time to get started on Pinterest is? Well, today of course! 


As a quick recap:

  1. Pinterest takes time- have proper expectations so you don’t throw in the towel prematurely
  2. Pinterest is a must for your business because:
    1. Your content lasts SO much longer in comparison to social media
    2. Pinterest users behave differently 
    3. Using a new platform means you could reach a new and broader audience


As a final reminder, you can learn more with me by grabbing your FREE Pinterest strategy guide, or take the plunge and get on the waitlist for my signature course, Pinterest Marketing Magic!

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