What Type of Pinterest Campaign Should I Run and Why?

promoted pins

When you hear the words “consideration Pinterest campaign” do you instantly think that means you’d ultimately just be paying to drive traffic to your website? Yeah, girl, you aren’t alone! I’ve heard it time and time again, “I don’t want to ‘just’ drive traffic, I want conversions and profit!”. Of course, that’s what we all want!

The Promoted Pin algorithm is actually different from the organic algorithm. You’ve never run a campaign before, you actually should start with a traffic campaign. There are a few different reasons why you should be starting with a consideration campaign, so let’s break them down.

Tip 1: Start with the Pinterest Consideration Campaign

First, whether your Pinterest tag is new, or if you’ve had it installed on your site for a while, it can be beneficial to start with a consideration campaign. You’re basically feeding, or warming up, your Pinterest tag. What I mean by this is, you’re giving the tag information about who is clicking, who is converting, and ultimately who they should be showing your content to in the future. I like to call this person, your “perfect person”.

Tip 2: Promote a Pin

Second, when Pinterest first started Promoted Pins, they actually did not allow everyone to run conversion campaigns. Pinterest previously required that you had 50 conversions (signups, check-outs, etc) within a one-week timeframe before they would unlock conversion campaigns to your account. Now, anyone can run conversion campaigns. However, starting with a consideration campaign is still a great place to start, especially if you’re new to Promoted Pins.

Tip 3: Track Your Pinterest Campaign Success

Lastly, did you know you can still track conversions with a consideration campaign? Yes, you read that right, you will still see how many checkouts you’ve received, how many add to cart events, and how many email signups. Obviously, depending on what type of campaign, and what you’re promoting, checkouts or add to carts may not be applicable. But I think it’s important to note, you not only are tracking those conversions. You can also see how much you’re paying for them. With a consideration campaign, you’re actually paying per click. However, based on how much you’ve spent and how many conversions you’ve received, it will show you how much it’s costing you per conversion event.

How to get started with a Conversion Campaign?

So, before you start throwing money at a conversion campaign, let’s start with a consideration campaign. It’s time to tell Pinterest who’s converting for you! This will help you run more successful conversion campaigns, and help you drive down the cost per conversion over time!

In case you’re wondering if you’re in a place that makes sense for you to run a Promoted Pin campaign, grab my Promoted Pin Essential Guide. This guide will help you decide if you’re ready for Promoted Pins, and the next steps you should take in order to either 1. Start your first campaign or 2. Get a few necessary pieces in place so you can run a profitable campaign.

Have you considered Promoted Pins?

I’ve got you, girl. Sign up to receive a complete breakdown on how to get started with Promoted Pins with my essential guide. You can also grab my FREE Pinterest strategy guide for the ultimate 30,000-foot view on Pinterest marketing!

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