Pinterest Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing

Pinterest Marketing vs. Social Media Answering the Age-Old Question

Today I’m discussing the (continuing) hot topic of Pinterest marketing for your business vs social media. My goal is for you to see that it’s not a competition, but rather a combined effort. If you have time to market on social media, you definitely have time to market on Pinterest. Let’s dive in! 


Ahhh the age-old questions, “Should I market my business on Pinterest?” and “Is it even worth it?”.


If I’m being honest, I strongly dislike these questions and find them a little irritating. But that’s from my bias as a Pinterest marketing strategist.


For you as a business owner, this is a totally legit question. 


In full transparency, I’ve covered this topic somewhat in the past, but since it comes up so frequently, here we are again today! 


Today’s approach is going to be a little bit different though. In this post, I want to specifically compare Pinterest to social media and explore why it should never be an either-or question. 


Reason #1: Pinterest is a Search Engine and Serves a Unique Purpose That Social Media Does Not


When I first started my business, I remember thinking that I wanted to focus on social media strategy. To me, this was really just Instagram and Facebook, but I started to notice that for others it was more of a “trifecta” of Pinterest, Instagram, and Facebook. 


I remember having a discovery call with an agency for a subcontractor role and they even called the three platforms a “trifecta”. Not because they thought businesses should invest in all three, but more as a means to lump all three of the platforms together. 


This was before I understood the marketing side of Pinterest and fully grasped how truly different Pinterest marketing is from social media. 


So, here we are at reason #1. Pinterest marketing and social media marketing should not be an either-or question for your business since Pinterest is a search engine. It serves a totally different purpose than social media!


People go to search engines looking for an answer to their question or problem, or ideas and inspiration. From the very beginning, they have a purpose and intent when they approach the platform. 


On social media, we have a whole slew of reasons why we go on the platform. To catch up, to be social, to give our brains a break while we zone out, to market our own business, etc., etc. 


But in general, the approach and the intent of the user are very different when you compare a search engine to social media. 


This means, on Pinterest, you are given this unique opportunity to capture your audience when they need you the most, which increases the chances that they take the desired action you’re asking them to! 


Reason #2: Return on Your Time Investment


I’ve heard SO many business owners say that they simply do not have time to market their business on Pinterest. But, do you know where they DO have time to market it? On social media. 


I’m here to give it to you straight and to give you some tough love because I want your business to thrive, and I don’t want you to miss out on Pinterest. 


I do not accept this as an excuse. 


I spend WAY more time on my own business social media strategy than I do on Pinterest. 


Has Instagram helped my business? Sure, somewhat.


Has TikTok helped my business? Yes, and even more than Instagram.


But, Pinterest has helped, too. And more importantly, at a fraction of the time investment that I’ve spent on social media. 


I spend SO much time making Reels, carousels, stories, engaging in comments and responding to DM’s, etc. I have seriously spent 30-40 minutes alone just on one Reel that may or may not flop. 


After a full year of being committed to Instagram for my business, I can’t honestly say for sure if it’s been a good ROI (return on investment). 


So I know for a fact that I spend a landslide more of my time on social media than Pinterest.


If you have 2-3 hours a week, that’s MORE than enough to be consistent on Pinterest and see results. 


Reason #3: Your Content Lasts Longer and It Can Help You on Google


I’ve shared this before, but I’m going to say it again. 


Just imagine me shouting this from the rooftops: your content lasts SO MUCH LONGER on Pinterest than social media!


In this post, I shared an entire breakdown of what it looks like when you compare how long your content lasts on social media platforms in comparison to Pinterest. Basically, your content on social media lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to a few weeks. 


Compared to Pinterest, your content lasts for days, weeks, months, and even years. 


Many of my clients have Pins that we call legacy Pins. They basically bring them traffic year over year!


And not to mention, I’ve had Pinterest Pins and boards surface in my Google search results! So yeah, you could be getting traffic to your Pinterest and your site originally from Google. 


Can you say helpful?


So, when you start your Pinterest strategy, it’s important to know that it can take some serious time to really start seeing results. But do you know what also takes time to see results?


The SEO work you’re putting into your website for Google, or the work you’re putting in over on YouTube. 


But we stay consistent and stick it out with these platforms because they’re POWERFUL


Can we just commit to do the same for Pinterest? Stick it out even when it gets tough because it is powerful. 


Pinterest Pin


Let’s Wrap It Up This Short and Sweet Post


I’m not here to demonize social media. I use social media every day, I love social media (well, kinda, haha).


I DO absolutely, 100%, think that social media marketing is powerful and important for business owners. But what I don’t like is when it comes down to an “either-or”, and business owners feel like they have to commit to social media OR Pinterest. 


I truly think that you should be investing time and energy into both for your business. And then, as far as results, let your Google Analytics do the talking for you in regards to what’s paying for your effort. 


Disclaimer: if you’re going to let Google Analytics show you what’s working, please first give Pinterest a fair shake. 


Because it is a search engine, you need to give it 6-12 months to start seeing results for your business, aka, time to index and categorize your content. 


Now, I have some options for you so you can finally put your Pinterest excuses to rest. 


  1. If you say you absolutely don’t have time? Book a free discovery call with me here, I can take the management off your hands.
  2. If you say you don’t understand, download my FREE Pinterest strategy guide.  
  3. If you know you want to get started and want a clear and direct path? Well just enroll in my totally comprehensive Pinterest course and let me guide you!

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