Should I run a Pinterest Campaign? My Ultimate Q&A’s

Should I be running a Pinterest campaign for my business? My ultimate question and answer guide

Have you been thinking about whether or not to run a Pinterest campaign, and if it’s right for you? I mean let’s be honest, if you’re going to invest in paid advertising you definitely want to make sure you’re in a place where it makes sense for your business! Today I will be sharing the most common questions people ask when it comes to running Pinterest campaigns, so let’s get started!

#1 Can I Run a Campaign?

Well, anyone with a Pinterest business account!

If you aren’t sure if you have a business account, or you want to convert an existing personal account, check out this article with easy step-by-step directions.

#2 Should I Run a Campaign?

Today, as I write this blog post, Pinterest has 459 million active users. Read that again.

It has grown so much over the past year, which is amazing!

We’re seeing huge growth in particular with Gen Z and men, but I’m not here today to talk to you about who is on Pinterest. I want to help you decide if you should run a campaign!

With the expansion of Pinterest, there are more people strategically using it to grow their business AKA more competition. Since Pinterest went public, they really do need advertisers’ dollars. My guess is if you’ve been using the platform for your business organically, you are not shocked to hear that there’ve been some major changes with the algorithm.

So where am I going with all of this? Bottom line – the only way to guarantee that your content will be seen is to run a campaign.

Do you want assurance that your content will jump the line in the feed and be seen? Then yes, Pinterest campaigns could be for you!

Wait, what? I said they could be for you. Why would I say that?

Well, my number one pain point with potential clients is that they don’t have a sales funnel!

Womp, womp, womp.

In case you are brand new to advertising, a sales funnel is just a fancy way to say customer journey. It’s the strategic series of steps for your potential customer after they have taken the desired action on Pinterest.

So, why does this matter?

Well, you need to nurture your customer! I could go on a tangent right about now about why you need a sales funnel, but I’ll spare you. Just know that you need a sales funnel or it doesn’t make sense for you to be running Pinterest campaigns.

If you don’t have a sales funnel, don’t stress! You now have your first assignment to complete.

Psst, want some good news? I love to help my clients get their funnels set up and optimized. If you’d like to learn more about that, feel free to book a call or grab my FREE Pinterest strategy guide to learn more about what setting up a sales funnel would entail for your business.

But what if you have a sales funnel? Then my next question is, what are the conversion rates?

If you don’t know that, I highly recommend setting up a system to track those numbers. That data is not only telling you if your funnel is working but also how well it’s working.

This seems simple, right? Wrong! There are a lot of people that I get on calls with that literally have no idea, like not even a ballpark idea of what the conversion rates are for their sales funnel.

Are you one of them? That’s okay girl, I still love ya! But seriously, lean into those numbers because they’re so important.

#3 Do I Have to Use Pinterest Organically Before I Can Run a Campaign?

I get asked this, a lot.

“Hey Emilee, does my account need to be set up with multiple boards, optimized, and pinning regularly, etc. to run a Pinterest campaign?”

The answer is no, you don’t! Sigh of relief, right?

Let’s say, for example, that you are brand new to Pinterest and you want to run a campaign to the lead magnet for your course. Well, Pinterest is a great top-of-the-sales funnel entrance point!

One thing to keep in mind though, despite not needing multiple boards, etc. is that just because your funnel converts on another platform, does not mean it will convert on Pinterest. Each platform is different, and so is the way the users interact with it.

Just keep in mind that it’s great to set up a funnel for Pinterest specifically. With that being said, if it’s not already proven to convert on Pinterest, your first campaign will be a test. The good news? You can use your findings to make tweaks until you have an amazing funnel that is converting on Pinterest!

#4 What Can Pinterest Campaigns Do Long Term for My Business?

Pinterest campaigns can do so much! If you want to learn more about how Pinterest campaigns help you organically check out my blog post on how to Use Promoted Pins to Drive Organic Strategy.

One of my favorite long-term benefits of a Pinterest campaign for your business is that once a campaign wraps up and you’ve given that pin an extra “boost”, it will continue to live on the platform.

Yep, you read that right! Unlike other platforms where your ad disappears once you’ve completed the campaign, the pins you’ve used in your Pinterest campaign continue on!

Is it just me, or did you hear the heavenly chorus start to sing? Oh Pinterest, just another reason I love you!

#5 With All of This Talk About Pinterest Campaigns, is Organic Pinterest Dead?

No, not at all!

Hear me out: if you have important content that you want to know is being shown to your target audience, your best bet is to run a campaign! Please girl, just make sure you’re ready.

Now for the dream team, an organic Pinterest strategy, and a Pinterest campaign! Need to learn more about this magical combination? Hand it over to me, your Pinterest bestie.

Book a call with me where we will chat and learn more about your business goals and how we can crush them with Pinterest! Also, don’t forget to snag my FREE Pinterest strategy guide!

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