Back-to-School Pinterest Ads Strategy for TpT Sellers

Pinterest Ads Strategy for TpT Sellers

It’s no secret that the back-to-school season is the prime time for teacher business owners to be marketing their products on Pinterest! This week I’m covering how you can prepare your Pinterest ads strategy for the back-to-school season. And next week, I’ll be covering how you can prepare your organic strategy! This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. 


It’s no secret that the back-to-school season is the prime time for teacher business owners to be marketing their products on Pinterest! This means that now is the time to be planning your paid and organic strategy on Pinterest. 


Now you might not be thinking about running ads on Pinterest, but if you’re ever thought about it in the past, back-to-school time would be a great time to implement!


I say this due to the fact that education is a competitive niche. Back to school time is a great time to invest in ads to get eyes on your important content and products when teachers are eagerly looking for resources. 


A Key Difference Between Pinterest Ads Strategy and Your Organic Marketing Strategy


Before diving into these great tips for Pinterest ads, I want to point out this key point. The algorithm on Pinterest is different for your organic strategy and your paid strategy. 


This means that you do not need to have a consistent organic Pinterest strategy in order to run profitable Pinterest ads, and vice versa. You don’t need to run ads to do well organically!


Pinterest ads are definitely the fastest way to get your time-sensitive content in front of your target audience on Pinterest, but Pinterest ads still take more time to optimize in comparison to other platforms. 


This is a great segway for our first Pinterest ad tip. 


Tip #1: Publish Your Ads Sooner Rather Than Later


Yes, running ads on Pinterest is definitely a much faster way to get your content in front of your audience on Pinterest. It’s also a guarantee that people will see your content. 


As I mentioned before though, Pinterest ads do still take time to optimize, and you will most likely need to do testing and tweaking in order to get your ads running profitably. 


This is why it’s beneficial to start running your ads prior to the peak in the back-to-school season. 


Last year, I started running back-to-school ads at the end of May and beginning of June for my clients that were promoting their back-to-school lead magnets and resources. 


This allowed us to get at least 30+ days of testing and tweaking their targeting, Pins, keywords, etc. before the peak of the back-to-school season. So yes, Pinterest ads are faster, but you should actually start them well in advance of your target dates!


If you’re ready to start running ads for back to school, or just want to see what’s possible for your key content in regards to Pinterest ads, you can book a FREE discovery call with me here.


I’d also like to formally invite you to watch my Pin Ads Quickstart Workshop – perfect for DIY’ers ready to tackle Pinterest Ads! 


Tip #2: Don’t Overlook the Power of Building Your Email List Via Your Pinterest Ads Strategy


I know at back-to-school season there’s so much competition and it’s important for people to see your amazing resources, activities, and bundles. 


It might seem like a no-brainer to run ads for your most expensive/popular bundles.


I’m not saying that this can’t work, but I also want to encourage you to think about the power of building your email list. 


I had a very, very successful TpT client say to me that she, “by far gets the most sales from her email list”. 


The one-off sales are nice, but when you get people on your email list, you can build a relationship with them and nurture them into loyal customers. 


Let’s say you run a Pinterest ad for a lead magnet, so your objective is to get the email subscriber. 


If you have a strategic funnel on the backend of that lead magnet, you can and should still get the sales. Potentially way more over time rather than the one-off sale I mentioned earlier!


If you’re wondering what in the world I’m talking about when I say a “sales funnel”, you can read more about sales funnels here in this blog post!


Pinterest ads Strategy for TpT Sellers


Tip #3: Hire Out or Educate Yourself Prior to Running Pinterest Ads


My dear friend, Pinterest ads are much more than just “hitting the promote button”. I share this because I have been on many Pinterest ads discovery calls where potential clients think that clicking “promote” on one of their Pins equates to “running Pinterest ads”.


If you’re wanting a bit more information about what Pinterest ads are, you can check out this blog post to get more in-depth information


This tip is important because I don’t want to see you waste your time or money. 


Whether you’ve never run Pinterest ads, or you’ve just “played around and wanted to see what would happen” in the past, you need to be trained or hire a Pinterest Ads strategist.


A great way to learn is by doing, as we all know, but I do not recommend experimenting with ads without prior training. 


So how do you learn about Pinterest ads? Well, I’m glad you asked! 😉 

I’d like to formally invite you to watch my Pin Ads Quickstart Workshop – the perfect training for a successful start with Pinterest Ads. 

Another option to learn about Pinterest ads is to jump into Simple Pin Medias FREE Pinterest Ads training, which is actually happening this week! 

Simple Pin Media will also be opening the doors to their paid membership, and you can put yourself on that waitlist here. 


Let’s Wrap It Up


Pinterest ads are a great way to get in front of your audience, especially during what is a PEAK time for your competitive niche!


Here’s a quick recap of the 3 tips to keep in mind when considering running ads for your TpT business this back to school season:


    1. Publish Your Ads Sooner than Later
    2. Don’t Overlook the Power of Building Your Email List Via Pinterest Ads
    3. Hire Out or Educate Yourself Prior to Running Pinterest Ads


If you want to go the DIY route with your Pinterest ads strategy, be sure to watch my Pinterest Ads Quickstart Workshop or sign up for Simple Pin Media’s FREE training. This 3-day training series will help participants learn the 3 things they need to have in place in order to run Pinterest ads.


Now the other option is to just hand your Pinterest ads over to an experienced expert, and one who specifically has worked with numerous TpT Sellers. That expert happens to be yours truly, and you can book a FREE Discovery Call here if you’re ready to hand your ads over this back-to-school season!

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