Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

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Today I’m busting the excuse, “I just don’t have time for Pinterest.” I’m sharing how automating your Pinterest marketing strategy is super easy with my favorite program, Tailwind. This post contains affiliate links and I may earn a small commission when you click on the links at no additional cost to you. 


Pinterest is a powerful platform for marketing that every business should utilize. Especially after watching Pinterest Presents this year, it’s obvious Pinterest is continuing to be a more shoppable and conversion-based platform. 


With 97% of searches unbranded and 8 out of 10 users saying they felt more positive after using the platform, Pinterest reaches people in a way that’s very unique in comparison to social media platforms. 


I think you get the idea – you need to be on Pinterest. But now you might be thinking, “I don’t have time for Pinterest”. Time is one of the most common excuses I hear when businesses explain why they haven’t started their Pinterest marketing strategy. 


Let’s put this excuse behind us once and for all. In this post we’re exploring the ease of how you can automate your Pinterest marketing strategy. 


The Best Platform for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy


One of the best ways to get started and stay consistent on Pinterest is by using an approved scheduler. There are multiple options out there to choose from, but my favorite platform for automating Pinterest traffic is Tailwind


When you get started on Tailwind the platform walks you through a very clear step-by-step tutorial for scheduling your first Pin! Plus there are analytics, Tailwind Communities, Pin design tools, and many other features that are helpful. 


Apart from all the extra features, the most important feature is the ability to schedule out your Pins while following best practices. 


When you sign up for an annual Tailwind subscription using my link here, you’ll get 50% OFF the monthly price. 


Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Strategy



How to Use the Tailwind Interval Feature


Whether I’m creating a new blog post, product, or landing page, I always create multiple Pins. I usually create anywhere from 3 to 5 fresh Pin designs for each piece of content, or URL, that I’ll be directing my Pinterest traffic to. 


It’s a great practice to create multiple Pins for one piece of content. This allows you to take different angles and approaches to your content. As a result, this also increases your chances of your content being discovered naturally. 


When you are sharing multiple Pins for one piece of content though, there are definitely best practices you’ll want to follow. This will help you avoid being put in Pinterest jail, AKA having your account marked and suspended for spam. 


Tailwind has an interval feature that allows you to safely schedule out your Pins to multiple boards. The interval feature is a game-changer because you can truly automate your Pinterest traffic for weeks or even months! 


Typically, I’ll schedule 1 of my Pins to at least 3 to 5 of the most highly relevant boards. It’s important to note that you’ll only want to schedule each Pin to boards that are very relevant. 


Once I have the boards selected that I want to use, I choose an interval of at least 7 days between when the Pin was Pinned to the first board and when it goes out to the next board. 


You want to space out your content and share it as a “slow drip”. 


For example, sharing all of your Pins to multiple boards at once would be like turning on a faucet full blast. But when you use intervals, you can slowly “drip out” your content, which creates a much better user experience. 


Here are a few visuals of how I create Pins for my blog posts, and then share them using the Tailwind interval feature: 


Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy



Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy



Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy



Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy


If you’re looking for the most direct route to learn more about creating and integrating an organic Pinterest strategy, you can download my FREE Pinterest strategy guide AND check out my signature Pinterest course, Pinterest Marketing Magic. 

Tips for Using the Interval Feature on Tailwind


Once you start using Tailwind to schedule out your content you’ll notice different features and warnings. 


Tailwind will give you “warnings”. Meaning that they quite literally do not allow you to schedule in a way that would harm or possibly be detrimental to your account. Here’s an example of what it looks like if you try to schedule your Pins to multiple boards to close together:


Best Practices for Automating Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy


Schedulers tend to get a bad reputation from business owners using them for Pinterest. I’ve heard more times than I can count that using a scheduler will impact the distribution of your Pins. This means the Pins won’t perform as well if you use a scheduler to Pin. 


I don’t accept this. In the time I’ve been a Pinterest manager working with my own account plus client accounts I’ve never experienced this statement being true


As a matter of fact, when we adjust tactics and test different things via Tailwind within my client’s strategy, we often see an increase in their stats!


Schedulers simply put out the inputs we give them. If you aren’t following best practices on Pinterest and how you’re using Tailwind, then yes, you will see negative results. 


Here Are Some Guidelines I Follow For My Clients


Now if you don’t follow this, Tailwind won’t necessarily give you a warning. But I err on the side of spreading content out rather than scheduling it too close together:


  • Use intervals of at least 7 days between Pins to multiple boards
  • Don’t Pin one single Pin to more than 3-5 Boards
  • I scheduled the first Pin to the most highly relevant board because that Pin has the best reach and distribution 
  • If I have already Pinned a Pin to 3-5 boards, I wait 4-6 months before I Pin it again 


These are just guidelines, not absolutes. For example, you could use even larger intervals between boards if you wish! 


My Final Thoughts on Automating Your Pinterest Strategy


I require that my clients use Tailwind when they work with me. It’s as simple as that. I truly believe that if you want to be consistent on Pinterest, using a scheduler like Tailwind is a no-brainer


The interval feature is a thing of beauty! It does truly allow you to automate your Pinterest marketing strategy while maintaining best practices. 


If you want to “live Pin” or Pin directly on Pinterest, you definitely could do that with a portion of your Pins. I’ve tested this with my clients. I have not noticed an increase in the distribution of Pins that were Pinned directly on Pinterest.


If you’re ready to get started on Tailwind, you can set up your account here! When you use my link and subscribe annually, you’ll get 50% OFF your monthly price.

If you want to learn more about how to create a Pinterest marketing strategy that leads to traffic and sales for your business, you can download my FREE Pinterest strategy guide, and check out my signature course, Pinterest Marketing Magic!

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