A Sneak Peek into Pinterest Marketing Magic

A Sneak Peak into The Pinterest System for Sales

The past few weeks, or months really, have been exciting and (honestly) exhausting! BUT that’s for the best reason possible! It’s been “launch mode” over here at Emilee Vales LLC! 


In case you didn’t hear, I kicked off the launch of my signature course Pinterest Marketing Magic with my FREE masterclass workshop training. 


And while that masterclass replay has expired, there’s still time for you to grab my FREE Pinterest strategy guide that features 7 easy-to-follow steps for kickstarting your DIY Pinterest marketing! Grab your guide here.

In honor of my big launch, I want to give you an exclusive look at The Pinterest Marketing Magic course. In this post, I’ll take you through frequently asked questions and provide some key insights on how to turn your Pinterest marketing into a sales machine for your business. 


Let’s get started! 


What is Pinterest Marketing Magic?


My signature course is a program that takes you step-by-step through seven different modules. Each module will teach you how to be successful on and OFF the Pinterest platform.  


Wait, what?


Yes, you read that right. In my program, I not only teach you how to drive traffic to your site and store, but I also teach you how to convert your traffic. As Jenna Kutcher would say, that’s my “secret sauce”.


There are so many courses out there that teach you how to set up your Pinterest account, use keywords, create boards, blah blah blah. But all of that means a hill of beans if you aren’t making money from the platform. 


You see, this is what I was finding from my clients. 


All the traffic I was driving to their Pinterest accounts was useless when there was a gap in the strategy between Pinterest and their website. 


That’s how I created my proprietary framework called the ODE, which stands for:


O – optimize your Pinterest account

D – drive traffic

E – explode traffic and profit


If you’re curious to learn more about this proprietary framework, check out my program here!


Who is Pinterest Marketing Magic for?


My course is perfect for:

→  Educators

→  Course creators

→  Bloggers

→ Aspiring Pinterest strategists

→  Organic Pinterest strategy DIY’ers


I serve a lot of Teachers Pay Teachers Sellers, so that has become my area of expertise. However, in my years as a Pinterest strategist, I’ve served everyone from e-commerce sellers to course creators, and bloggers. 


I’ve cultivated a well-rounded experience and because of this, I know my strategy can be taken and adapted to your specific niche.  


What will I learn in Pinterest Marketing Magic?


In my program, you’ll learn how to…


  1. Identify your Pinterest objective which will help you keep your eye on the prize.
  2. Create a Pinterest sales funnel so you not only drive traffic but convert it.
  3. Implement an effective Pinterest strategy that is perfect for your unique business. This means consistent traffic to your site and store! 
  4. How to optimize a new (or current) Pinterest account.
  5. Create systems for efficiency, organization, and consistency to finally automate your sales now that you know what’s working!
  6. Follow up with your potential customer, and create a system and sales machine via the power of email marketing.


What is the Time Investment Required for Pinterest Marketing Magic?


My program is packed with content and training videos. The videos are on the shorter side which makes them great for small pockets of time in your busy life! 


I would recommend devoting anywhere from 2 – 4 hours a week to the course. While the content and modules aren’t extremely long, it’s important to stay consistent and implement the action items that are shared at the end of each lesson. 


There is flexibility in the time commitment each week. Some weeks may require more time for the action items, while other weeks are faster. All of the content is available upon enrollment so you can go at your own pace. 


There are 7 modules with the first 6 modules having anywhere from 4 – 6 lessons. The lessons all have video training and workbook pages for your action items, plus a place to keep yourself organized. 


TIP: Stick with the course and finish it. Staying consistent with the modules means your Pinterest marketing strategy will be consistently working as well! 


What Kind of Results Should You Expect From Pinterest Marketing Magic?


Any Pinterest strategist will tell you that the platform takes at least 6 – 12 months to see growth. 


Pinterest is a search engine and that growth is based on when you actually start implementing your strategy. If you have multiple weeks of just course learning, that obviously needs to be factored in.


I’ve made this comparison before, and I think it puts things into perspective. If you were a new blogger, would you expect to rank first on a Google search after writing 3 blog posts? 


No, that’s just not realistic. 


I say this because despite Pinterest and Google being different platforms and having algorithms, they both follow the same principle.


Good things take time. 


Almost every aspect of a business takes time. It would be unrealistic to expect overnight success. 


Pinterest is not a platform for those looking for immediate gratification and quick wins. 


It’s for those who understand the power of search engines and are committed to the long-term growth of their business and sales. 


Ready to Start?


So here’s the question, are you in or are you out?


If you’re ready to learn my proprietary (and proven) framework + learn how to turn your traffic into profit, grab your FREE Pinterest strategy guide, or just jump right in and enroll in Pinterest Marketing Magic today

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