4 Unique Options to Consider When Investing in Pinterest Marketing

Investing in Pinterest Marketing: Four Unique Options to Consider

Whether you’re new to the platform or ready to level up your marketing game, it’s important to keep investing in Pinterest marketing your business. But, it can be tough to decide which avenue is going to give you the biggest bang for your buck. Today I’m showcasing four unique options: hiring out, DIY courses, memberships, and coaching. I’m also throwing in a little bonus hybrid option that I think you’ll love! Let’s get to it.


Congratulations! You’ve made your way onto my blog, which means you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing. I’m talking about how you can best utilize the platform for your business, or maybe your potential clients (AKA you’re an aspiring Pinterest manager!).


Can I just say, you’re making a smart move!


Now the real question: out of all of the different courses, memberships, and coaching programs out there, how in the world do you decide which option is best for your business?


Done-For-You Pinterest Management vs. Do-It-Yourself Pinterest Strategy


The first decision you need to make will be deciding between if you want to learn Pinterest marketing for your own knowledge and implement the strategy yourself, or if you’d rather hire someone to take it off your hands!


I actually wrote an entire blog post that goes in-depth over this very topic, because it’s an important decision to make. There are also multiple factors that you need to consider:


  1. Hiring someone is definitely an investment – with inflation + overhead expenses + taxes a small business owner faces, it might be a larger investment than you’re prepared for at this time.
  2. Just as a heads up, if you’re thinking about going the done-for-you services route, I would say $350/month is the LEAST expensive rate/package you’ll be quoted. What I see in the freelance space is typically a range of $400-$1,000, depending on what all the package includes.
  3. Also, keep in mind, many service providers’ rates depend on experience, expertise, and proven results/case studies!


If you’re considering going the hiring route and outsourcing Pinterest management, I’d love for you to read this blog post, where I’m sharing 3 benefits to hiring a Pinterest manager. There’s also a link to book a call with yours truly!


Pinterest Courses


Let’s say you’ve decided that you aren’t quite ready to outsource and you’d like to learn how to use Pinterest and implement an effective strategy for yourself. A great option for this DIY route is to learn Pinterest marketing strategies by taking a Pinterest course.


But wow, there are A LOT of Pinterest courses out there. And if I’m being honest, how do you choose?


Well since you’re already here, I’d love to share with you my Pinterest course, Pinterest Marketing Magic.



My course is a completely comprehensive approach to investing in Pinterest marketing. It starts with the basics and moves to in-depth content that will be vital to know in order to see great results from your Pinterest marketing efforts.


You might be thinking, “Don’t all Pinterest courses cover that?” Well, they should. But here’s where I’ve gone above and beyond. Many Pinterest courses out there teach you how to use Pinterest, and how to drive traffic, but they stop there.


That’s the problem, it can’t just stop there. You have to understand what it takes to not only drive traffic but the strategies for converting traffic.


That’s what Jenna Kutcher would say is my “secret sauce”. My course teaches you to look at the bigger picture and consider the entire sales funnel, which is how your traffic will translate into sales.


That’s what we really want after all, right? We don’t just want traffic, we want SALES! In my course, I’ll teach you not only how to drive traffic, but convert your traffic.


You’ll go from saying:


“I don’t know how to use Pinterest and why it’s not working for my business.”


To saying things like:


“Pinterest is my #1 or #2 traffic driver! It’s not only driving considerable traffic to my business, but also sales.”


More Benefits…


Another perk of online courses is that they typically offer lifetime access and are updated regularly by the course creator. If you aren’t sure whether you’ll have lifetime access, or if the course will be updated, I would definitely ask before investing in a course.


Most courses need updates at some point in time, but especially with a Pinterest course. Pinterest changes and evolves quickly so the course content will need updates.


In case you were wondering, I provide lifetime access and regular updates on my course. 😄


Pinterest Memberships


Pinterest memberships can be great! If you aren’t familiar with memberships, they come with a monthly fee and typically weekly or monthly calls/training.


For most memberships, you can cancel at any time. But you typically also lose access to the course content when you cancel your membership. This is sort of the point of the membership. It might be a lower entry point, but you have to continue to pay as long as you want to view the course content and maintain access to all of the past and upcoming training.


There definitely isn’t a one-size-fits-all, so if a membership sounds like it would be the best option for you when it comes to investing in Pinterest marketing, I say go for it!


A hybrid option for memberships would be my course, Pinterest Marketing Magic where I include 6-month access to a Facebook Group. This is a great option for those looking for unlimited course content access, plus someone to be your guide and mentor when you’re getting started!


Pinterest Group Coaching Programs


Group coaching programs are another option you might come across when thinking about different options for investing in Pinterest marketing.


I’ve joined multiple group coaching programs in the past and they can be extremely helpful!


Group coaching programs are great because you’re getting the attention of the expert and you typically have weekly calls with different focused topics each month. Because you are paying for that more exclusive time and support, you are challenged to be more consistent and stay on track with getting started on Pinterest.


When you’re paying for those coaching calls, you’ve got some skin in the game and a really important reason to show up for the calls!


I would say some of the cons would be that group coaching programs don’t always have a platform they use to host course content. So once your coaching session/commitment is over, your support is over as well.


Another con would be that it can be tricky trying to fit weekly calls into your schedule. Yes, it can hold you accountable when calls are weekly at the same time… but if the time/date doesn’t work for you, you’ll obviously miss the call! These types of programs typically allow you to watch the replay of the call, but it’s not the same experience if you can’t make it live and ask your specific questions.


So it doesn’t provide as much flexibility, which is something I didn’t like about group coaching. I really need flexibility with having 2 toddlers, working from home, and lots of appointments + extracurricular activities!


Wondering what a better option might be? My signature course, Pinterest Marketing Magic offers a self-study through each module PLUS group coaching calls and support from the exclusive Facebook group.


It’s a win-win if you ask me!


Testimonial from Pinterest System for Sales




You know that phrase, “When’s the best time to plant a tree?”


I believe the answer is, “5 years ago, and the second-best time is today”. Well, I’m saying the same thing about investing in Pinterest marketing. Yes, it takes time and strategy to see results, but today is as good of a time as ever to get started on the visual search engine!


I love Pinterest because it’s so unique and the visual part of the platform just allows you to connect with your audience in such a powerful way. If you KNOW you want to get started, there are lots of different options ranging from hiring out, courses, memberships, and group coaching.


Today I’m formally inviting you to enroll in my signature course, Pinterest Marketing Magic. If you’d like to learn more about my course, be sure to download my FREE Pinterest strategy guide.


So, what do you say, will I see you inside?

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