3 Tips for Using Pinterest Trends to Inform Your Strategy

3 Tips for Using Pinterest Trends to Inform Your Marketing Strategy

In case you didn’t know, Pinterest releases a prediction report and a Pinterest trends tool every year. Today I’m showing you how to tap into these gold mine resources and use them in your Pinterest marketing strategy! 


You might have heard this phrase before, but Pinners (aka Pinterest users) are planners. This means they come to the platform to plan in advance. 


As marketers, we should be aware of not only the user behavior but also how the platform functions. Since Pinterest is a search engine, it takes longer for our content to be indexed and basically categorized. 


Since Pinterest does take time, I start creating Pins and circulating seasonal content anywhere from 45-60 days in advance of the holiday/season!


This means if you’re creating fresh content for the seasons or based on trends, you really need to have your content mapped out in advance. I’ll get more into best practices and what to be aware of later in this post. 


Speaking of Pinterest trends, they are wonderful for us to use. Trends help us not only stay relevant but make sure our content reaches Pinterest users when they want and need it the most! 


This in result means that we should see better results from our Pinterest marketing strategy… because we’re making content that is more likely to get impressions, saves, and clicks! 


Today, I’m going to go over some of my best tips for using Pinterest trends and how you can use them in your Pinterest marketing strategy.


Tip #1: Use Pinterest Predicts Report


With a New Year comes new trends! And in case you didn’t hear, last month Pinterest released their Pinterest Predicts for 2022. This is basically a trend report that Pinterest puts together that forecasts what will be trending in the upcoming year


Pinterest releases a trend report every year (for the past 8 years), so it’s good for this to be on your radar if you plan on creating content for Pinterest. 


Last year, 8 out of the 10 trend predictions Pinterest made were correct. That’s a pretty solid track record and a good indication that this is a helpful tool for Pinterest marketers! 


You might be wondering, how do I go about using this report? I’ve got you. 


Here are a few different ways that you can use the Pinterest Predicts Report:

    • I recommend just reading over the trends report. Keep in mind, these are predictive trends, Pinterest says, “Our insights aren’t a retrospective or a round-up of what was trending — it’s a predictive look ahead into what will be trending in 2022 across home, beauty, fashion, food, wellbeing, parenting, travel, design and more.”
    • Look at the different demographics and what they’re interested in. When you visit Pinterest Predicts 2022, you can look at the trends filtered by the audience. If you know the age of your audience, these trends can be super helpful since they do include information about demographics. It might be also helpful to know that these trends are being driven by people of all ages!
    • Then, filter by category. You can look at all of the categories and when you click on each one you’ll actually be able to see:
  • Trending search terms

    • A creator spotlight: this is super helpful because it shows how an actual Pinterest creator has brought this trend to life. It should inspire you for ways that you can bring the trend to life for your brand!
    • Tips for Pinterest to actually bring this trend to life. This section is super interesting because it shows how different creators, from different niches, can capitalize on this trend. 
    • Then at the bottom, there are related trends.


Here’s what these sections look like on Pinterest. These are actual screenshots from the Pinterest Predicts for 2022:






Are you digging this Pinterest content and NEED to learn more about creating an effective strategy? My FREE Pinterest strategy guide is perfect for you! 


Tip #2: Use the Pinterest Trends Tool


The Pinterest Trends Tool was released in 2020 and despite it being around for a few years, it’s surprising how many people haven’t tried or utilized it! Especially if you’re newer to Pinterest marketing, you might have even heard of this tool!


The Pinterest Trends Tool basically helps you see what people are searching for and when they’re searching for it.


The way the tool functions helps you to:

  • Find new or alternative keywords
  • See when specific searches are trending up and when they’re fizzling out
  • Plan your content based on when it will perform best


How to find the Pinterest trends tool:

  1. Log into Pinterest > Click on analytics at the top > from the drop-down click on “Trends”
  2. Go directly to this link


Once you’re on the Pinterest trends tool, you can enter in keywords into the search bar and you’ll see searches over time come up based on a scale from 0-100. So it will show you the search volume for each month over the past year. 


This can help you see that if a term, for example, starts trending up in May, you will want to start creating content and pushing it out as early as late March or April. Then you can continue to share in May as well. 


In my opinion, it’s better to start sharing on the earlier side, rather than waiting. You’re risking your content not really having enough time to be categorized and pushed out into relevant searches. 



Below the graph, you’ll see the related searches, which can help you identify alternative keywords you might not have thought of! If you click on them, it adds them to the graph and then you can compare different keywords and the search volume of each. 


At the bottom, you’ll see the Popular Pins. This can give you a great idea and possibly more keyword inspiration from like-minded content creators!



So now that we’ve looked at a couple of fabulous resources/tools, let’s jump to the 3rd and final tip, which will help us put this all together!


Tip #3: Using Trends As Part of Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy


This last tip I’ll keep short and sweet. Now that you have tools and resources for finding keywords and trends, it’s time to discuss how to use this information!


I highly recommend using a document, spreadsheet, planner, or some type of tool within your business where you can keep documented research you’ve done. I keep a spreadsheet for my own business, and also my clients, of pillar and longtail keywords that I want to be ranking for within that specific business niche. 


If you have a tool that you use for keywords already, you could simply add on to this library of resources you have for your Pinterest strategy by adding a trends tracker. 


I do want to mention, the Pinterest Trends tool is showing you searches based on trends over the past year. Whereas Pinterest Predicts is looking into the future, so those trends have not come to fruition yet. 


The whole point here is that both can and should be used as resources when you go to sit down to plan your Pinterest content


Let’s Wrap It Up


We established that Pinners are planners. That means we don’t want to miss the PERFECT times for us to reach them when they’re searching. One of the best ways to ensure we provide our solutions to their problems when they need them most is by strategically planning our content.

We can do this planning in two ways:

  1. Use past trends to help us decide when to reshare some of our past content that will still serve our audience. Or use it to inform us when we should create new content for past trends that are always popular.
  2. Use trend predictions to help us plan new and fresh content. It’s time to be early adopters of the latest (and hottest, right??) trends for the New Year.


Alright, my sweet friend, that’s all I have for you today. I would love for you to leave a comment below on the blog and let me know what you think! 


I also would love to invite you to check out my signature course, Pinterest Marketing Magic, which is a great place to go if you want to learn more about Pinterest strategy. 

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