3 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Pinterest Manager

3 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Pinterest Manager

If you know anything about me then you know that I’m obsessed with Pinterest. But one thing I LOVE more than that is to watch my client’s businesses grow when they use my expertise as a Pinterest manager! This post is all about why you need to hire a Pinterest manager for your business. SPOILER ALERT – your business WILL grow! 

Perhaps you’ve been dragging your feet but it’s finally time to outsource Pinterest for your business. Whether you’re on Pinterest and can’t decide if it’s worth your time investment, or you’re still debating if you’re even prepared to devote time to another platform, let’s talk about the top 3 reasons why you should hire a Pinterest manager to take it over for you!

Pinterest + Your Business = A Winning Combination

Pinterest is an absolutely amazing way to reach more people, aka drive traffic! Whether you have physical products, or digital products, monetize a blog, want more email signups, etc. Pinterest is a no-brainer, for real.

I get asked all the time, “Should I be on Pinterest?”, and my answer is “Well duh, girlfriend!”.

With that being said, there are a few exceptions to this rule. There are some businesses that might have a bit more trouble driving traffic with Pinterest. Think about those “brick and mortar”  businesses like a dentist’s office or a hair salon, which have geographic restrictions.

Hire a Pinterest manager for business success

Where Do I Even Start?

So now you know you should be on Pinterest (great!). Just remember it’s a visual search engine… and very, very different from the social media platforms you may use already. You might be thinking, “I legit have no idea where to even start!”

This is where a Pinterest manager is super helpful! Some of the important tasks I take off your plate as a Pinterest manager are to:

  1. Get your account set up as a business account (yes there’s a difference!)
  2. Start with the keywords you’ll want to rank for
  3. Get your boards established and optimized

Even if you eventually go the DIY route, it makes a lot of sense to hire a Pinterest manager to start you off on the right foot.

Part of my Set-up Package includes not just literally setting everything up, but also getting you scheduled for the first 30 days via Tailwind, so then you can take the reins after that!

Hiring a Pinterest Manager is The Best Investment for Your Business

Remember how I said I was obsessed with Pinterest? Well, the main reason I tell my clients they need to be on Pinterest is because your content lives on forever.

The post you just made on Instagram, it’s old news a few days (if not hours) later. That Clubhouse room you just moderated that was amazing? Yeah, that was gone instantly.

But with Pinterest, those pins can keep bringing you traffic and sales, day after day, month after month, year after year. I mean… that’s pretty amazing if you ask me!

Okay, so this whole “content living on thing” is incredible, but it may not convince you 100% to hire a Pinterest manager. Do you still have questions like,

  • How do you create pins?
  • What are best practices for Pinterest?
  • How do you optimize titles and keywords?
  • Plus a million more!

Oh yeah, all of that can be taken off your plate when you hire a Pinterest manager!

It’s okay to not wear all the hats. You focus on your zone of genius, and I’ll focus on mine, which is Pinterest!

Client Love after hiring a Pinterest manager

Your Business Will Grow

Pinterest is great because it spurs you to create content, which then grows your brand!

You may not be aware but the Pinterest algorithm changed last year, and the push was for fresh content. With that said, your account will not perform well if you’re sharing the same stale content over and over again.

While it’s awesome that Pinterest thrives off fresh content, you could be pinning in vain. It can feel like a lot to just create the content, let alone share it on all of the platforms, and make sure it’s optimized for each!

This is where a Pinterest manager is clutch! Just hand over that new content to me, and I’ll create beautiful pins that are optimized to reach your target audience.

Remember that spoiler alert? More traffic leads to more profit for you, which then leads to a growing business!

Let’s Chat!

If you can’t tell, I like Pinterest a lot.

I also think it’s so much easier to grow your brand compared to other platforms, *cough cough* Instagram.

This is obviously my opinion, but I’ve also used and managed both platforms for clients.

If you show up, implement best practices, and find that intersection between what you want and what Pinterest wants, I don’t just think you’ll see success, I know you will!

Still not convinced?

Hop on a free discovery call with me where we can chat about creating a Pinterest strategy tailored for you!

I also have an exclusive hire form within my course Pinterest Marketing Academy that you can fill out to find the perfect Pinterest Manager for your business!

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